The Fragility Fracture Network is a global organization of professionals and researchers from different areas/fields (physicians – geriatricians, orthopedists, rheumatologists; nurses; physiotherapists; nutritionists; epidemiologists, etc.) which was created to improve the treatment and secondary prevention of fractures due to fragility. The mission and vision of FFN emphasize the creation of a multi-professional network of ACTIVITISTS, experts in their fields who together want to transform the care of the elderly with bone fractures.
Although the realities of each country are different, it is possible to learn from each other. The global FFN believes that the change in healthcare policy can only occur through the formation of national networks. The FFN acts as a global model for the creation of national networks.
FFN was created in April 2009 with the same objective as the Global FFN: To create a network of professions in Brazil which contributes to the improvement of care offered to patients with fractures caused by fragility.